Cloth material with cloth-DFG to simulate a specular reflection.Clear coat material with absorption to simulate a second layer.Physically-Based Material: albedo, metallic, smoothness/roughness, specular/reflectance, emissive, etc.Direct3D 9 With Shader Model 3.0 (ps_3_0).MikuMikuDance - 926ver (圆4) (Without Anti-Aliasing).StereoImage - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.LightBloom - v1.1.1 (zip) (updated: 2.ColorGrading - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.

it is written in hlsl lang with DX9 env and based on mikumikueffect. Ray-MMD is a free, powerful library and an extension pack of mikumikudance, offering an easy way of adding physically-based rendering with high-freedom of operation.

Ray-MMD English 中文文档 Physically-Based Rendering